Most people would say that getting angry is bad, its wrong, its destructive which is fine I guess because some people take it to the extreme and start killing. I don't think anger is bad I think anger is an awesome emotion it saves you from heart ache and gives you drive to do things to improve your life that you otherwise wouldn't do however it does need to be managed.
An example of a place were anger is good is suppose a a girl breaks up with a dude and the dude really likes this chick. In this situation the dude could either be sad or mad now if the dude was sad he would feel sorry for himself, think what is wrong with him, try to do stupid things to get her back, drive like an idiot (you could drive like an idiot when you are mad too I suppose), start drinking, gambling, committing suicide all of which are seriously uncool. On the flip side if the dude got mad...not crazy mad but normal mad he would go home tear up all her pictures, her gifts will go in the trash, he'll be like "yeah its good she broke up with me I got tired of schrewing her anyway", he will go out and find someone new. I would personally would like the guy who gets mad more because I know he is passionate and has fire in his heart, he is resiliant enough to deal with lifes troubles so I know he will be adventurers will try more things and will ultimatelly have a more fulfilled life.
On improving my life I have done so many things to improve my life because I was angry. I quit my old job without anywere else to go at the time because I was angry at my boss this lead me to eventually getting a really great job. I got into training because I was mad at being overweight, I have gotten rid of people that were weighing me down, I have made sure I get treated fairly by making people behave and listen to me when they would otherwise ignore me just by getting angry a bit because for some reason people pay more attention to you when you are mad.
But anger can't just be pulled out blindly as immediate reactions to situations because you are not harnessing the power of anger then you are just losing it. If you lose it you could do a lot of harm. If a situation makes you angry its best to save the reaction for a while so that you can think. I on occasion have gone home and wrote down the reason why I am so angry just incase I calm down with time I have something to go back to which will give me a boost to make sure a particular situation does not happen again does that make me weird I don't know but if this exercise helps me improve my life I don't care so you should try it too.
So thats my speel on anger managmentI hope you enjoyed it . thanks again for reading. If all this managing and harnessing does not work for you then just kick the mother.

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