Now were did I leave this story ... ahh yes the plane trip. again I will say if things like vomiting make you uncomfortable then skip this blog. If you are not skipping this blog then lets talk about the plane trip.
I had stayed in the toilet a while and I had not eaten anything that day but the 15 minutes I was waiting to get into the plane all I could think about was finding a toilet so that I could throw up because the Gatorade I had taken wanted to come back up but thankfully I was able to distract myself long enough to get a seat on the plane and when I was seated I felt better then when I was walking. I distracted myself by trying to find more brown people that were going to be traveling with us turns out me and my brother were the only terrorizers on the plane there was a black dude but but he was not a terrorizer it was just us too.
There was a half hour extra were we sat on the plane because they were waiting for passengers that had not arrived yet and that was a bit stressful because Andrew had told me that he needed to get back to work as soon as he gave me the car and this extra delay was gonna seriously screw up our schedule I really did not wanna be anymore stressed. Anyway after the plane took off it was cool I distracted myself by talking to my brother about the air hostesses who happen to be really "fine" and by looking at the little GPS TV in front of us that showed the position and speed of the plane relative to were we were going the thing that was the most conversation was the fact that we were going 500km/h when while driving we only ever get to 100 as our max speed.
Just before we had to land the Gatorade had to come out I was sitting in between some dude and my brother throwing up onto a complete stranger was less acceptable then throwing up on my brother at least that was the thought I had when I took the seat I neglected to mention that to my brother. Not that i had to throw up on anyone because motion sickness was an expected thing on the a plane and we were given bags to throw up in. I did not throw up in the bag just because 30 seconds before I had to pass my insides out the one of the cute air hostesses passed by and I asked her if I could use the toilet and she said O.K. So I got up ran to the back of the plane with everyone looking at me but I did not care cause it would have been a lot more embarrassing and trouble if i threw up half way to the toilet or even funnier still if I threw up on someone. I got to the toilet and as soon as closed the door and turned around I threw up...... so close.
That was not the end of it you see in my haste I had thrown up into the little sink they had instead of the toilet. what I had passed out was quite interesting for like 2 seconds because what the stuff was just a red liquid which made sense because I drank red Gatorade but it was oily like thick oily now if I was some sort of doctor or tummy expert I would probably know what that was about but I'm not so I was pretty fascinated but anyway my fascination only lasted two seconds because the damn thing was not going down the sink. Luckily I had run to the toilet with the bag that they gave us for motion sickness and I used that to transfer the stuff from the sink to the toilet it was quit an inefficient system because this was just a paper bag.
As I was doing the cleanup the captain announced that we all needed to get back to our seats because the plane was going to be landing and someone outside was knocking at my door because they had to pee ... I only left after I had cleaned the place properly eventhough the girl knocking at the door was quite upset but i could not leave the mess for someone else to clean.
When the plane did land I was actually feeling pretty alright that last throw up had probably taken 90% of whatever it was my body was trying to get rid of and i would say on my sickness scale I was down to a 2 not that all my troubles were over we were in Bellina now but we still had to drive home and if you wanna know about the rest of our adventures you are just gonna have to wait for part 5.
Well you read through this yucky blog again so I am going to have to leave with a picture of another dude I have a man crush on:
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