Anyway the night before I was gonna catch a plane to Ballina I don't know what hit me but I got sicker then I had ever been before in my life. I must have thrown up like six times that night. Before I went to bed the afternoon before I was feeling a bit out of it but I thought I just needed some sleep. Now i don't know exactly how it started but I woke up at night and just started throwing up. I would throw up once get a glass of water sit for a while and do it again.
Everyone was asleep at night but my I did manage to wake up my dad with the noise I was making and I was initially annoyed because I thought he would try and stop me from the flight tomorrow but thankfully he was somewhat aware of all the planning I had done earlier so he did not suggest that. The first thing I remember him saying was that it was OK to throw up throw up as much as possible because your body is trying to get rid of something and throwing up in this situation is good, Hearing this was a relief because till that point I was really concerned about what had happened to me and just as he had predicted I felt quite a bit better after a while. He gave me some De-gassing pills and what they basically do is make you burp till your stomach is empty of air now I am not sure if he gave me those to make me throw up more or to relieve me of my sickness but those pills made me throw up some more but eventually i could not vomit anymore. I did not want to ingest anything else but my dad told me that Milo was good for an upset stomach so I had some and that actually made me feel alright and I was able to sleep.
Before I went to sleep my dads warning was that if during my trip I started having diarrhea as well I would have to stop at a hospital and get myself hooked up to a drip machine because losing that much fluid was just too dangerous. Well I woke up early next morning and I had diarrhea and I was going to ignore my dads warning and go anyway and thankfully he was asleep so he had no idea.
I told my brother of the situation 'omitting the part about me having to go to hospital if I had diarrhea' and we were off. I was feeling really weak, I was aching everywhere and my insides felt like it was full of sludge. I did not eat anything that morning I just bought 2 bottles of Gatorade and drank that really slowly because I did not want to throw up anymore. From a scale of 0 to 10 for how bad I was feeling I was at a 7 the night before when I was throwing up and I was at a 9 in the morning. I would get to a 10 when I would be walking too long because I had to sit down recover then if I sat 1 way too long something else would start getting uncomfortable so I had stand for a while then sit back down again. I should mention that despite the fact that I was sick I was actually pretty excited to be going to get my car and I was not so sick that I needed to be bed ridden I could still walk and talk and pretend that I was fine.
A bus and a train trip later we were at the airport with about an hour and half to spare we had given ourselves a lot of extra time in case we got lost but we didn't. I bought my brother some breakfast and I continued sipping on my Gatorade. I found a toilet and preceded to take as much crap out of me as possible because for one thing the plane trip was going to be about two hours long so I did not want anything happening then and also the more crap I took out of me the better I felt.
By the time it got getting onto the plane I would say I was on a 6 on the sickness scale all the toilet time and the Gatorade had helped however the trip to Ballina was not totally uneventful and I am going to tell more on that on the next edition of the story of my car.
Because of the yuky content of this blog I am going to leave you with picture of Keith Hamilton Cobb I got a serious man crush on this dude..... a man crush does not mean I'm gay Richard it just means I think this guy is cool.
UHM...that's not KHC...sorry, and i have a real crush
Can't blame you Sheree Keith is the dude if I was a girl I'd have real crush on him too but as a straight dude all I can manage is a man crush. Thats him is the pic though just look at the face.
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