Friday, December 25, 2009

Things I Learned In 2009

1) Life is good. We have more opportunity to go anywhere, hangout with anyone, learn anything, and be anyone. the hard part is figuring out what you want and sticking to it till you achieve it.

2) Life is too short for bullshit:
  • If people annoy you let them know but do it as best you can not to upset them because there life is too short as well but don't tolerate it too long.
  • Don't settle for second best if you want something pay the price for it, wait it out and make a goal and make the effort to get it.
  • Do new things, plan cool things to do don't get lost in routine, time is passing and you are getting older.
3) Take a break. with having unlimited opportunity there is always so much to do and if you keep doing it you will get overwhelmed so take a break and enjoy your past achievements.

4) Your mind is the enemy. This is big when you actually understand your mind you will see that it is almost evil in the way it treats you:
  • You will decide to have the perfect diet and training program so you can achieve some really neat fitness goals and you will do your best but you lose concentration eventually and your mind goes "Oh I don't feel like exercising today" and when you give into it it will do it again the next day until you have forgot about it and when you are trying to keep a good diet it will say "oh one wont hurt" and when you give into that it will say "Oh well your diet is ruined now so might as well eat like crap all the time"
  • Bad things will happen and the event in it self won't be as bad but your mind will keep thinking and thinking about it even though you will know better and thus will make the event worse mentally and physically.
  • Out of nowhere it will pull out past mistakes and regrets that may have layed dormant for years at the back of your head and it will use these things to upset you when there is nothing you can do about them and you could use the energy better to be happy and look to the future.
  • The mind will also project the future in a bad way so you think of yourself as not good enough so you will be ify about future endeavors, you will fictitious arguments with others in your head that may never come to pass.
  • It will make you sleep an hour longer in the morning even though that hour will not give you any extra rest and will lead to things getting undone.
  • It will make you leave projects half done or unstarted in favor of wasting time with surfing the net and watching TV that is not even interesting.
Yes the mind does trick, torment and hold you back in innumerable ways it is the cat that is playing with the mouse which is your goals and peace of mind but being aware of it makes it easier for you to deal with it

5) Do not be too rigid in your view always be willing to try something new even if you do not believe in it because if you do not you could waste years in achieving a goal. An example of this is with my exercise i always thought that you need to exercise in a certain way to achieve your goals but this year I did something different and with less effort and in a shorter time I achieved more of my fitness goals then I had done in the years past.

6) Be gentle to others everyone has the same capacity to be proud, feel pain and get angry as you even even the people who really piss you off and when you get upset it is never the situation or person that upset you it is your reaction to it and when you react badly it has the effect of growing in your mind and upsetting you further
  • Don't blow your horn when someone does something wrong in traffic, they made a mistake it happens and they might be in a rush it happens, how would you feel if someone blows there horn at you.
  • Don't share that which is bothering you with others because talking does not always help I actually think it may do more harm then good because when you put troubles into words it has the effect of making the problem more solid which leads you to churning it in your head longer instead of forgetting about it. It is also a privilege to have someone listen to you when you share your troubles you are upsetting them as well and doing this to the people who care about you is cruel.
  • Remember that "Negatives Only have Power Over You When You React to Them" and everyone has a "Point Of View"
7) Brian Tracy is my new hero.

8) America is an awesome country.

9) you need balance in everything you do, too much of one thing even if it is good is not a good thing.

10) 2010 is going to be the best year ever

Saturday, October 24, 2009

How to Change your Bad Habits

Hey yoall as you all know I like writing Blogs and like reading other peoples blogs too and on occasion I find something so awesome that I have to put that into my blog. I found one such blog on the zenhabits site. The site is really something the dude writing parts a lot of life wisdom. Click on the picture below if you want to see the original blog.

So here it is these are the methods you can use to change your bad habits.

Keep it simple
Habit change is not that complicated. While the tips below will seem overwhelming, there’s really only a few things you need to know. Everything else is just helping these to become reality.

The simple steps of habit change:

1. Write down your plan.

2. Identify your triggers and replacement habits.

3. Focus on doing the replacement habits every single time the triggers happen, for about 30 days.

That’s it. We’ll talk more about each of these steps, and much more, in the cheatsheet below.

The Habit Change Cheatsheet
The following is a compilation of tips to help you change a habit. Don’t be overwhelmed — always remember the simple steps above. The rest are different ways to help you become more successful in your habit change.

1. Do just one habit at a time. Extremely important. Habit change is difficult, even with just one habit. If you do more than one habit at a time, you’re setting yourself up for failure. Keep it simple, allow yourself to focus, and give yourself the best chance for success. Btw, this is why New Year’s resolutions often fail — people try to tackle more than one change at a time.

2. Start small. The smaller the better, because habit change is difficult, and trying to take on too much is a recipe for disaster. Want to exercise? Start with just 5-10 minutes. Want to wake up earlier? Try just 10 minutes earlier for now. Or consider half habits.

3. Do a 30-day Challenge. In my experience, it takes about 30 days to change a habit, if you’re focused and consistent. This is a round number and will vary from person to person and habit to habit. Often you’ll read a magical “21 days” to change a habit, but this is a myth with no evidence. Seriously — try to find the evidence from a scientific study for this. A more recent study shows that 66 days is a better number (read more). But 30 days is a good number to get you started. Your challenge: stick with a habit every day for 30 days, and post your daily progress updates to a forum.

4. Write it down. Just saying you’re going to change the habit is not enough of a commitment. You need to actually write it down, on paper. Write what habit you’re going to change.

5. Make a plan. While you’re writing, also write down a plan. This will ensure you’re really prepared. The plan should include your reasons (motivations) for changing, obstacles, triggers, support buddies, and other ways you’re going to make this a success. More on each of these below.

6. Know your motivations, and be sure they’re strong. Write them down in your plan. You have to be very clear why you’re doing this, and the benefits of doing it need to be clear in your head. If you’re just doing it for vanity, while that can be a good motivator, it’s not usually enough. We need something stronger. For me, I quit smoking for my wife and kids. I made a promise to them. I knew if I didn’t smoke, not only would they be without a husband and father, but they’d be more likely to smoke themselves (my wife was a smoker and quit with me).

7. Don’t start right away. In your plan, write down a start date. Maybe a week or two from the date you start writing out the plan. When you start right away (like today), you are not giving the plan the seriousness it deserves. When you have a “Quit Date” or “Start Date”, it gives that date an air of significance. Tell everyone about your quit date (or start date). Put it up on your wall or computer desktop. Make this a Big Day. It builds up anticipation and excitement, and helps you to prepare.

8. Write down all your obstacles. If you’ve tried this habit change before (odds are you have), you’ve likely failed. Reflect on those failures, and figure out what stopped you from succeeding. Write down every obstacle that’s happened to you, and others that are likely to happen. Then write down how you plan to overcome them. That’s the key: write down your solution before the obstacles arrive, so you’re prepared.

9. Identify your triggers. What situations trigger your current habit? For the smoking habit, for example, triggers might include waking in the morning, having coffee, drinking alcohol, stressful meetings, going out with friends, driving, etc. Most habits have multiple triggers. Identify all of them and write them in your plan.

10. For every single trigger, identify a positive habit you’re going to do instead. When you first wake in the morning, instead of smoking, what will you do? What about when you get stressed? When you go out with friends? Some positive habits could include: exercise, meditation, deep breathing, organizing, decluttering, and more.

“Habit is habit, and not to be flung out of the window by any man, but coaxed downstairs a step at a time.” - Mark Twain

11. Plan a support system. Who will you turn to when you have a strong urge? Write these people into your plan. Support forums online are a great tool as well — I used a smoking cessation forum on when I quit smoking, and it really helped. Don’t underestimate the power of support — it’s really important.

12. Ask for help. Get your family and friends and co-workers to support you. Ask them for their help, and let them know how important this is. Find an AA group in your area. Join online forums where people are trying to quit. When you have really strong urges or a really difficult time, call on your support network for help. Don’t smoke a cigarette, for example, without posting to your online quit forum. Don’t have a drop of alcohol before calling your AA buddy.

13. Become aware of self-talk. You talk to yourself, in your head, all the time — but often we’re not aware of these thoughts. Start listening. These thoughts can derail any habit change, any goal. Often they’re negative: “I can’t do this. This is too difficult. Why am I putting myself through this? How bad is this for me anyway? I’m not strong enough. I don’t have enough discipline. I suck.” It’s important to know you’re doing this.

14. Stay positive. You will have negative thoughts — the important thing is to realize when you’re having them, and push them out of your head. Squash them like a bug! Then replace them with a positive thought. “I can do this! If Leo can do it, so can I!” :)

15. Have strategies to defeat the urge. Urges are going to come — they’re inevitable, and they’re strong. But they’re also temporary, and beatable. Urges usually last about a minute or two, and they come in waves of varying strength. You just need to ride out the wave, and the urge will go away. Some strategies for making it through the urge: deep breathing, self-massage, eat some frozen grapes, take a walk, exercise, drink a glass of water, call a support buddy, post on a support forum.

16. Prepare for the sabotagers. There will always be people who are negative, who try to get you to do your old habit. Be ready for them. Confront them, and be direct: you don’t need them to try to sabotage you, you need their support, and if they can’t support you then you don’t want to be around them.

17. Talk to yourself. Be your own cheerleader, give yourself pep talks, repeat your mantra (below), and don’t be afraid to seem crazy to others. We’ll see who’s crazy when you’ve changed your habit and they’re still lazy, unhealthy slobs!

18. Have a mantra. For quitting smoking, mine was “Not One Puff Ever” (I didn’t make this up, but it worked — more on this below). When I wanted to quit my day job, it was “Liberate Yourself”. This is just a way to remind yourself of what you’re trying to do.

19. Use visualization. This is powerful. Vividly picture, in your head, successfully changing your habit. Visualize doing your new habit after each trigger, overcoming urges, and what it will look like when you’re done. This seems new-agey, but it really works.

20. Have rewards. Regular ones. You might see these as bribes, but actually they’re just positive feedback. Put these into your plan, along with the milestones at which you’ll receive them.

21. Take it one urge at a time. Often we’re told to take it one day at a time — which is good advice — but really it’s one urge at a time. Just make it through this urge.

22. Not One Puff Ever (in other words, no exceptions). This seems harsh, but it’s a necessity: when you’re trying to break the bonds between an old habit and a trigger, and form a new bond between the trigger and a new habit, you need to be really consistent. You can’t do it sometimes, or there will be no new bond, or at least it will take a really really long time to form. So, at least for the first 30 days (and preferably 60), you need to have no exceptions. Each time a trigger happens, you need to do the new habit and not the old one. No exceptions, or you’ll have a backslide. If you do mess up, regroup, learn from your mistake, plan for your success, and try again (see the last item on this list).

23. Get rest. Being tired leaves us vulnerable to relapse. Get a lot of rest so you can have the energy to overcome urges.

24. Drink lots of water. Similar to the item above, being dehydrated leaves us open to failure. Stay hydrated!

25. Renew your commitment often. Remind yourself of your commitment hourly, and at the beginning and end of each day. Read your plan. Celebrate your success. Prepare yourself for obstacles and urges.

26. Set up public accountability. Blog about it, post on a forum, email your commitment and daily progress to friend and family, post a chart up at your office, write a column for your local newspaper (I did this when I ran my first marathon). When we make it public — not just the commitment but the progress updates — we don’t want to fail.

27. Engineer it so it’s hard to fail. Create a groove that’s harder to get out of than to stay in: increase positive feedback for sticking with the habit, and increase negative feedback for not doing the habit. Read more on this method.

28. Avoid some situations where you normally do your old habit, at least for awhile, to make it a bit easier on yourself. If you normally drink when you go out with friends, consider not going out for a little while. If you normally go outside your office with co-workers to smoke, avoid going out with them. This applies to any bad habit — whether it be eating junk food or doing drugs, there are some situations you can avoid that are especially difficult for someone trying to change a bad habit. Realize, though, that when you go back to those situations, you will still get the old urges, and when that happens you should be prepared.

29. If you fail, figure out what went wrong, plan for it, and try again. Don’t let failure and guilt stop you. They’re just obstacles, but they can be overcome. In fact, if you learn from each failure, they become stepping stones to your success. Regroup. Let go of guilt. Learn. Plan. And get back on that horse.

Your net worth to the world is usually determined by what remains after your bad habits are subtracted from your good ones. - Benjamin Franklin

Wednesday, August 19, 2009

Don't Make Stupid Bets

Don't make stupid bets especially if you are a man of your word.

Tuesday, August 18, 2009

Stop Waisting Time

For My blog today I have picked part of a book - "Built For Show" By Nate Green

This book is totally awesome its all about training hard and looking good so that when it comes to the ladies which is why we boys workout things are not too hard .... well that's the plan anyway :P. I have read many training books in the past and I have to say that this is one of the best but you don't have to take my word for it just click on this picture of Mr Green below and you will be able to see what everyone else thinks of the book

Now that I have plugged his book I don't think he will mind me taking an idea from his book.

This book had a really cool section in it about having enough time to exercise but not at the cost of the things you love and I just had to share it with everyone and you can apply this to things other then just exercise.

Before we go any further I have to ask do you find yourself saying things like:

- I wish there was more hours in the day. or
- I wish had more time or something to that effect

Unfortunately for us:

Time Limited, it will always be running out, you can’t make more of it nor can you renew once it goes.

Wait minute did I say you can’t make more time I am sorry I lied yes you can I’ll but before I do think about waht you will do with the extra time I'll tell what I will do.
  1. I would learn to play the guitar.
  2. Learn Touch Typing so I can write more blogs.
  3. Build my body like Nate Green
  4. Learn Break Dancing and start backflipping off the walls
  5. and I will date supermodels

If only I had more time ... sigh.... :D

OK so how do you create more time without losing the things you love?

Well you list out all your time wasting activities figure out how much you can cut back without missing it and whoom I wave my magic wand and you have more time

I have created a table and done an example to help you all make more time.

Before we go any further I will define what “Time Wasting Activities are”

- These are activities that do not increase your health, wealth, happiness or sex appeal. :P

Just click on the images to make them bigger.

sorry about the typos you know what I mean

I did not bother calculating how much time I can save but you can see that I can save quite a few hours just by doing less of the things that don’t satisfy me. By doing this exercise I even learned that I really enjoy window shopping so I might do more of that when I want to relax.

If you like this exercise then just download the image below, print it( maybe some resizing in Word will be needed), think then do the exercise and more time will magically be available to you.

Damn its 1pm I gotta sleep.

Thanks for reading I hope this blog makes your life a bit better

good night

Tuesday, August 11, 2009

Become a Master Chef

Have you ever tried to learn to cook properly, I have as I find the idea of being able to cook things other then grilled chicken, steamed broccoli and eggs to be extremely appealing. With cooking you get to explore your creativity, have alone time, impress others and literally enjoy the sweet taste of your hard work.

Unfortunately my desire and efforts to be a master chief have not always been tasteful. I'll give you an example; Not too long ago I bought a cook book for a hundred dollars so it was not a cheap book, I picked a cool recipe took my time to go buy all the ingredients, found some time to cook it and it turned out revolting, I spat out the first bite. after various similar efforts I kinda gave up but then I discovered Chef Todd

I have to share this guy with because he is just amazing:

He is Chef Todd Mohr and he will make you a master cook with his free videos on cooking on the internet. He knows what he is talking about and he presents it all in a fun and passionate way for FREE.

Here is an example you will learn something from just this one video and there is almost 200 more to go through:

And Click on the picture below to get to the rest of his videos:

Happy Cooking

Thursday, August 6, 2009

The Story Of My Car Part 10

I should probably start writing this story again before my memory fades too much because the story of my car is in no way complete and its quite a story thats worth saving and sharing. I had the mind of a child going into this I believed in my TV heroes that I grew up watching(Batman, Superman, Spiderman, Captain Planet) and as an adult I still watched these shows and ascribed to motivational speakers that said you should expect the best from people and that you get what you expect from others there is a level of stupidity to all this that only experience can teach you . Not to say that I expect people to be perfect I know people make mistakes and sometimes they have good intentions and are just get misunderstood what I did expect was honesty, fairness, professionalism, responsibility, gratitude and care for the people that pay you money and I can't say that I did not find these people but the good people are far ... far outnumbered by crooks and incompetence. Its just like Sylvester Stallone says "The world is a very mean and nasty place" you need to take your lessons and adapt or you will become a bitter and angry not wanting to take part in any of the cool things that he world has to offer.

When I got this car I was happy to get it so out of shape because I actually to work on something mechanical, to open things get my hands dirty, figure out how it all fits together screw up or fix it its a strange urge that only others with the same mind can understand and I did get to do this and learn lots of cool things but all this mechanical knowledge is actually quite useless to the modern man we just earn money and pay someone to do the work the things I learned that I think are priceless are on understanding yourself and dealing other people.

That is enough foreplay I think :P lets begin. I have the car at home I got a manual license so I can drive it but the car still has a dozen problems with it Andrew I believe had sold me this car because he had lost all hope with it ever getting back in shape he even tried to mislead by giving a very minimal estimate of how much it was going to cost to fix this car.

First of all he could never get the cars paint correct. Car paints usually have a code to them and in ballina while inspecting the car I saw that the cars color was not was not the orignal to which Andrew said don't worry about it I have the code and I will send it to you.... this was a lie a couple of calls and texts later I knew he was not going to do it. This would not be a problem I could just go down to an automotive paint shop and get the paint matched but the paint was not a standard color out of the dozens of blues you can have there was no matching code for my car. I do not know why this was not painted standard maybe the guy who painted it had a dozen different paints left over and decided to mix em all and see what happened or maybe he wanted match it exactly to his girlfriends eyes I don't know what what I do know is that I was left with was two very sucky options: which were to either spend over 2 grand painting the whole car and have the cars airbrushing covered or have my car 2 colours.

The second thing that I know that there was no way Andrew could have fixed was the fenders. For those of you that don't know the fenders are the metal cover above the front tires they hold the front bumpers in place. This was pretty badly damaged and thus needed replacing and if I replaced them it would take away the nice airbrushing that was on them.

One of the nicest and most unique things about this car was the pretty mural on it and the car was sold advertised as the new owner being able to enjoy this but the seller knew in this case that there was no way that this could be saved and that is probably why he let it go. This would dishearten most people but not me when you have no choice you figure a way :).

Lesson Learned - when people sell you second hand vehicles with problems they usually do not tell you everything and will mislead you. You are better off either buying a new car or getting something from a friend you will see often or something from a dealer.

This is not a conclusion I have come to from my own experiences I have seen this happen time and time again to other people around they buy vehicles expecting it to be functional then having to have to pay double or quadruple the initial amount. Its not just the money its the time spent and the inconvenience of having your vehicle malfunction in the middle of nowhere and then you have to rely on people to fix your vehicle who will charge you money and will only do a minimal patch up.

For me this journey was easier because my goal was learning but for others that just need a functional car for work and play this anguish will break up your marriage, give you an ulcer and make you a serial killer please just get your vehicles from proper sources its not worth getting it from anywhere else no matter how cheap.

Thanks for reading I will have the next part up soon.
Be well .. lol

Monday, August 3, 2009

Will Smith - The Alchemist

I found a really cool video of my favorite Actor:

"William Smithers"

If you go through life with the same phelosophy he has then mate I solute you because you are a legend.


"If you stay ready you ain't gotta get ready" - Will Smith

Wednesday, July 1, 2009

The Story Of My Car Part 9

Ok I got the car home but as I said before that is not the end of it as a matter of fact there are so many memories going through my head right now that I do not know where to begin. I guess I will start with my mind set which was that it is OK that this car has so many problems because that is what I want, I am gonna be able to get my hands dirty, learn things and just make this car feel like its mine. I also wanted this car to look as good as its full potential and I was going to spend all the money I made that year on my car (minus the 10% that I always save). It was really good that I had clear goals in my mind before I started on this car because I had to pull them out of memory often as things did not always go to plan, people I would pay to do things on my car would let me down, things always seem to cost more then planned and the car would have these unforseen problems.

Now I had my car at home but I could not drive it because I was only had an automatic car license and this was a manual and because of the trip I had used up all my money so I had to wait to get paid before I could do anything. So for about a week I would look forward to getting home from work so I could see my car and seeing it when I got home made me really happy, even though the car had scratches, a huge dent and various other smaller ones, no grill, not paint on the front bumper and cracks on the body kit, it was actually quite messed up but it did not matter because I totally believed that I had the nicest most beautiful car in the whole of Sydney. I actually got home one day to find the was not there because my brother had driven some of the family for a road trip and that made me so angry doesn't he know what I have been through to get that car I don't remember exactly all the things I said but it was to the effect that no one was going to drive my car No One! a few days later I felt really bad about my reaction if it was not for my brother I would never have the car so after much apologizing i told him he could drive the car as much as he wants just so long as he told me and after 2 years we are the only two people(and a few mechanics for brief moments) who can drive this thing.

I tried to get my dad show me he ropes of a manual car but unfortunately he does not know how to teach to drive, he has a demanding and have it his way kind of nature that just drives out my natural drive and enthusiasm (I had been actually trying to become a driver since I was 16 and I got it almost 10 years later when I could afford driving lessons) after two lessons I gave up on him and when I did get paid I just got some driving lessons. When I actually did get my license I think I stalled the car once and that's it I was driving the lesson I got from this experience is that it is good to get paid you are never gonna get ahead if you do not have money.

I should tell about the reaction I got from other people you see as you know I thought my car was the fo shizzle ... the fa shiz nit just like snoop dogg would say it however everyone else did not think so the first time I brought my car to work I will take my friend Kim for example he said "Is that your car ?..." with a look of wtf "its got a lot of scratches on it" and he made it look like he was holding a lot of criticism in. The reactions I got did not matter though I guess I was looking at the car for what it could be but even at its beaten up state I still thought it was gorgeous I would drive through the main st in Blacktown where I live and there is this thin street there with lots of shops on the side With my music illegally loud so that everyone would not miss site of this beutie. Sometime I could get a break from work to park my car and when this would happen I would take my car through main street once again even though I could get into trouble with my boss but I had to show everyone my car and I would hand wash my car often and knew where every detail on the car be it a dent or a scratch and if a new scratch appered (this would usually happened if I went to get my car washed) no matter how small I would be able to spot it .... it was lame and I g0t over it.

I think that is enough for this installment I am sorry about putting up such a me me I I blog I will talk about more interesting things in my next intallment.

Thanks again for reading

Have a good one.

Sunday, June 28, 2009

My Favorite Quotes

"I will utalise this day in a more positive way. I should not waiste this day." Dalai Lama

"Every extraordinary accomplishment is a result of thousands of ordinary accomplishments that no one recognises or appreciates" Brian Tracy

"Starting a high priority task and persisting with it until it is 100% complete is the true test of your willpower, your resolve and character" - Brian Tracy

"You can either make excuses or you can get results you can't do both" - Tom Venuto

"Conquer your bad habits or they will conquer you" - Rob Gilbert

“If you don’t take care of your body, where will you live?” - Trevor Romain

"Regret for things we did can be tempered by time; it is regret for things we did not do that is inconsolable" Sidney J Harris

"See your body through her eyes" Mens health

"Anyone can stay positive when things are going well however successful people choose to be positive in times of hardship". - Tom Venuto

"If you stay ready then you ain't gotta worry about getting ready." Will Smith

"We will always tend to fulfill our own expectation of ourselves." Brian Tracy

"You do not pay the price for good health, you pay the price for bad health." Zig Ziglar

"Dost thou love life? Then do not squander time, for thats the stuff life is made of" Benjamin Frnaklin.

"What others think of you is very important, that is, when those doing the thinking have opinions you respect." - Mahler

"Move out of your comfort zone. You can only grow if you are willing to feel awkward and uncomfortable when you try something new. Brian Tracy

"Strive not for perfection but for excellence" Scott Abel

“Not knowing it all is no excuse not to start."- Judy Columbus

"A target is pretty hard to hit if you lose sight of it." - Brian Tracy

"Goals allow you to control the direction of change in your favor."Brian Tracy

“If you learn from defeat, you haven't really lost.” Zig Ziglar

"I will study and prepare myself, and someday my chance will come." Abraham Lincoln

"Never look down on anybody unless you helping him up."- Jesse Jackson

"Little men with little minds and little imaginations go through life in little ruts, smugly resisting all changes which would jar their little worlds." Zig Ziglar

"Never argue with an idiot they beat you down to their level and beat you with experience" Unknown

Monday, June 1, 2009

The Story Of My Car Part 8

As I said in the last part of this series when I awoke the morning of the rest of my journey home my sickness was no longer a problem however we had some more drama to deal with.

You see what had happened during the drive the day before was that one of the nuts on the edge of the back bumper had fallen off so now the back body kit was hanging a bit from the cars body and we just could not drive like that for one thing would vibrate and damage the car and secondly with speeds we were traveling the unsecured bumper would act like a parachute and our back body kit would fly off and that as Bart Simpson would say it would be a major bummer.

To try and secure it we looked for screws and ropes and wires around the motel and in the car but we could not find anything, I asked my neighbor who probably had something in his truck but he did not wanna help he was actually quite annoyed that I asked him for help I don't know what his problem was maybe he was racist or maybe be was annoyed at all the alarm noise that my car made the night before or maybe he had a massive wedgie whatever but I did make a face at him when he turned around .... Just kidding I didn't but I should have. Anyway we did eventually secure the thing with some cable tie and cable ties are awesome for securing body kits because the thing did not come off or vibrate.

With the rest of the journey back my brother was driving at insane speeds there were long stretches of road between Bellina and Sydney were the speed limit was 120 well we were going at 150 which is 30 k's over the speed limit if we were caught by the law driving at those speeds then we would be in really deep shit however ma bro knew roads well he knew which roads we were likely to find cops on and on which we wouldn't and he avoided the law well however we did have some close calls like the one time were he braked merely seconds before we hit a speed camera as a matter of fact we were so close that we thought we were goners however weeks later I did not get a speeding letter so I guess he slowed down just in time whats cool about this is that we had been speeding for a long time before we hit the camera and my brother slowed down for no reason, neither of had seen the camera sign he just slowed down by chance because of his sixth sense and the long arm of the law was not long enough to catch us.

I should talk about the law we had collectively named everything to do with the police such police cars and cameras "The law" and it was funny because we talking in funny accents about we pulled out any all the cleshayed movie line about the law and just dumb crap like that, and that kept us entertained for a while because we had gotten pretty tired of the music that Andrew left us and the scenery was not changing much.

I should mention the car we were pushing it pretty hard with the breaks and speed the dash had actually gotten warm because we were driving so fast for so long but through all that the car just kept going there was no better way to test this car then this drive and I have to say it passed with an A.

With us always driving over the speed limit we had to keep an eye out for the law mainly the undercover police cars ( the undercover cars were not too hard to spot as they were always these big Australian cars with tons of antennae sticking out of em). The few that we saw left us be but one of these cars was driving behind us for about half an hour and he probably wanted to stop us because the spoiler on the car was too big I did not know this at the time I only found out about this much later when my car got defected because of it.( Andrew had neglected to tell me about the spoiler as well). The law did not stop us probably because the weather was really bad and after a while it overtook us. After it overtook us my brother turned to me and said the law is speeding and it was not by a little bit it was doing more then 10 ks over the speed limit so we did what any sane driver would do we got a safe distance behind law and we followed with us driving faster then we should as well until the car turned out of our way.

Well that was our encounter with the law but moving on after a few more hours of driving the batteries in our GPS devises finally died but it did not matter because we were heading in the right direction and a while later we got to areas we were familiar with.

When we were about 10 minutes away from home it was near the time my two other siblings were going to get off school so we called them and told them to wait and that we would pick them up in my new (second hand) car but my brother had underestimated how long it was gonna take us to get there and my siblings ended up waiting about 45 minutes in the cold for us to come and pick them up ... ahh well they forgave me but it sucks we should have just let em go home and to make things worse my brother caught the same puking and crapping bug that I had....(I do hope they change the bed sheets at the motel I slept in otherwise someone else out there probably had their road trip ruined)but you know what despite the troubles we got the car home and everyone was quite happy with it.

Thankyou for reading the journey of getting my car home. I have not even finished half "The Story Of My Car" I still have a lot of interesting things to say so if you are enjoying the story so far then read on to the next part cause you ain't seen nothin yet.

Have a good night

Wednesday, May 27, 2009

The secrets to being happy

Thats a pretty bold title isn't it. Happiness is so weird you could have all you think you want money, a good looking partner a great place to live but still will not be happy were as someone else who may have nothing can be so happy that they would make make the most privileged of people jealous.

So how can I at the infant age of 25 be enlightened enough to know these secrets ? all I can say is read on and see because you know what I think I may just have it ... well this is not really my enlightened teachings they are from a friend (Jennie) of mine who for some reason is always smiling and not too long ago she shared her secrets with me and now I am sharing it with you I hope you find them enlightening. these ideas are collectively called. "Jens Motivation Diet" if you can master all of it you will as happy as this kitty

These are in order of most extreme to least.

1. Meditate and visualize yourself being happy every morning.
2. Write down Affirmations which are:
  • 10 past achievements which you are most proud of.
  • 10 things you like about yourself.
  • 10 things you are greatfull for.
3. Read and listening to positive material
4. Eliminate people who put strain on your life
5. Stay close to people who inspire, motivate and make you smile.
6. Keep your surroundings beutifull.
7. Eat a healthy diet.
9. Exercise regularly
10. Do not procastinate on important tasks get them done as soon as possible.
11. Plan something awsome to forward to.
12. Dress well.
13. Do something fun in the weekend
14. Live within even below your means.

Now go forth and be a happy puppy.

Thanks for reading have a great weekend.

Sunday, May 24, 2009

The Story Of My Car Part 7

Ok so we are at the motel bit of the journey. I will warn you before you go any further that this is one of my yucky blogs so if you don't wanna know then please skip this blog and I promise there will be no more diarrhea or vomiting stories but if you are going to stick around and read this blog then its cool its actually a pretty good story.

I will start with the guy at the counter he was absolutely sure that brother had booked into the motel a few time before which was not likely because we had not been 500 km near the place ever before so as far as we know my brother has a look alike.

Before we could get into our room we had to lock the bloody car. The car gets locked wirelessly with a button on the key whenever the car got locked (plus have the alarm engaged) or unlocked it would make high pitched clicking noise and if unattended for a minute the cars alarm would click on without locking and if opened it would engage the cars noisy alarm. We did not know how to work the cars noisy alarm/lock system and Andrew had neglected to tell us how this is done. We clicked and put off the alarm so many times in trying to get things in and out of the car that I heard one of the other motel patrons who were probably sleeping already yell out in frustration I am sure if we had been at any longer that we would have had a confrontation with our neighbors but my brother did figure out how the alarms worked before it was too late.

With us finally getting to the room I was quite sick like my joints felt heavy and my insides felt like they were full of sludge again on my sickness scale I was back up to an 80% I just wanted to get to a bed pass out but I was way too uncomfortable to do any of that so the first thing i did was go into the toilet and try and get this crap out of me now this was really funny because I was having explosive diarrhea and I am not even exaggerating the description and I would normally want to keep that private but the door in this motel room was thin as so as far as I know my neighbors could hear it too and for some god forsaken reason I could not stop laughing so what I did was whenever i exploded a big one it would be followed by a big laugh. When I was done my brother was like "why were you laughing so hard" and I thought "If my purpose was to detract people from the dumping by laughing then I guess it worked but that was not my purpose I don't know what was so funny".

Ok so I wrote about my diohorea story if any one has problem with that then screw you man at least i have a story to tell I was sick and I will have you know that this was the last time and I have been flushing nice healthy sausages since then :P.

After the toilet I actually felt quite a bit better I did not feel like eating anything but I was doing better I had a shower brushed my teeth and ate some chocolate ( I had to eat something) that was sitting at the motel. The motel had some chocolate, cookies and drinks we started opening everything to taste them all because they all seemed different to the stuff we normally have thinking it was complementary but we later found out that we had to pay for it all and the damn things were so expensive.

I did not need anymore food I just wanted to go to bed now I told my brother that he could take some money from my wallet and go get some food and he said that he did not want to spend anymore of my money which was really sweet of him because he had found my car and put everything else aside to come and take this car home with me and I was not paying him and to think all that he was doing for me did not register to him and that he was worried about spending a little bit of money of mine to get food was very cool. He did not have much money of his own so after a bit of convincing he took some money and went on his way to find a KFC using the trustee GPS. After he left I was left pondering how lucky I am to have my brother because he is just so awesome in so many ways and my life would be so much less without him.

And with those thoughts I fell asleep and I must have slept 10-12 hour straight and this nap was exactly what I needed because the next when I woke up my sickness was almost totally gone and after my brother got up and we paid it was time to continue our journey but we still had car troubles and I will talk about this and our encounters with "The Law" in the next part.

Well you read my yucky blog so as a reward I will get you to admire this picture of Megan the Fox but boys don't admire too long because if your lady finds out you might be in for some pain.

..... Stop admiring, stop it, stop it!
:) :)
Have a great week

Monday, May 18, 2009

Are You Like Most Guys? (by Nate Green)

As you may already know I write blogs I also like reading them and one of my favorite bloggers is Nate Green and this is one his best writings:

How do you stack up, Slick?

Most guys are physically weak and only "work out" when they're feeling particularly bad about staying up all night drinking and oogling women they'd never have a chance with.

Most guys spend more money on beer than they do on quality food. (And it's piss-beer, at that.)

Most guys have absolutely no idea what kind of body women find attractive.

Most guys are in debt up to their eyeballs and have no way to get out. They then spend money on frivolous, materialistic crap and end up paying 18% interest on something that cost $9.50.

Most guys who have the means skimp on nice clothing and dress like homeless people.

Most guys don’t have a post-workout shake and still wonder why they're not gaining muscle as quickly.

Most guys can't cook.

Most guys only get laid a couple of times per year. And if it's more, most guys screw the same manipulative, bitchy girlfriend who has their balls in a vise grip.

Most guys sit on their ass all day and waste time watching trashy sitcoms.

Most guys haven't opened a book since high school.

Most guys can't deadlift their own body weight.

Most guys don’t even know what a deadlift is.

Most guys back down when they need to stand strong and make up with bombast and ego when they need to feel worthwhile.

Most guys act tough when they feel threatened.

Most guys work a job they hate.

Most guys live a life they hate, or worse, a life they quietly tolerate.

Most guys are sheep who settle for what was given to them.

Most guys don't know their families well.

Most guys hesitate and miss their chance to talk a beautiful girl.

Most guys don't know what they're doing tomorrow.

Most guys have no idea how good a top-notch bourbon, glass of malbec, or a craft beer really tastes.

Most guys are looking for the bigger, better deal and don't live in the present.

Most guys don't travel outside of their city, state, or country.

Most guys make excuses for everything.

Most guys react to every situation.

Most guys give us a bad name.

Most guys survive.

Don't be most guys.


I hope you dont mind me borrowing your blog Nate I did buy your book :D

Wednesday, April 22, 2009

The Story Of My Car Part 6

With the GPS fired up we started heading home. We expected to be driving along the coastline when we drove back because that is what it looked like in Google maps but it seemed like we were fairly inland so unfortunately we were not able to have the cool trip we imagined but we did see some really awesome things like the Big Banana, sugar cane fields it reminded me a lot of Fiji the place were we were born, I even saw a Fiji style bus, cattle, and trees whose leaves and branches had fallen so far to the side that the trunks were completely covered.

But anyway back to the journey Andrew was kind (or forgetful) enough to leave a really cool CD full of old rock and pop songs with great base sounds that we could listen to through the massive speakers that the car had ... that Andrew has good taste in music. My brother way initially worried that listening to music like this would run the battery dead however on inspection we discovered that the cars battery system was done up as well so that the car could use a big sound system without worrying about our battery going dead. The batteries did however need to be filled with water which was no problem the GPS showed exactly were we could find a Bunnings from were we bought our distilled water and filled our batteries and now we could listen to the sweet loud music all the way home.

Now we were relying pretty heavily on the GPS devise because the maps we printed off google maps were pretty much useless because you need a point of reference before you could plot a map and we had a turn by turn map but we had no idea were we were on it. It was not long before the GPS started losing power which would not have been a problem because I had bought a car charger with me however Andrew again had neglected to mention that the cars cigarette lighter did not work. Luckily we had two GPS devises one that I had bought and the other one was in my brothers phone. Because we could not leave these things on all the time we just turned them off and looked at them on occasion if we needed a coffee stop or to find out how long we still had to go this system worked out alright for us however there was about a half hour or so during the trip that we had traveled in the wrong direction.

We were trying to get to a motel that we had booked the day before however after a few hours of driving it was getting dark my brother had started yawning which is really bad when you are driving long distances and I was actually getting sick again so we just picked a random motel on the way ( there were tons of motels around we probably passed more motels then service stations). Unfortunately the motel we picked was really expensive I think it was $150 a night and the next motel a few minutes away was only $70 we found this out in the morning but it does not matter just a few extra bucks.

Before we checked in to the motel I called home and told them how I was doing they were understandably quite worried about me but I was better then the day before. I also called work since I had left a bit abruptly and my boss picked up the phone and he was downright hostile I just wanted to know how the gym was doing and if everything was Ok in my absence which it was however he snapped at me and ended the conversation quickly I probably should not have bothered as I had other troubles. My boss was upset with me but I knew he would forgive me as soon as I got back and kept making lots of money and whenI got back he did not bother me about my trip so he is alright.

Now the motel was probably the highlight of this trip as we got to piss off some folk have some explosive diarrheas and deal with an uncoaprative car amongst other things I will write about all this in my next blog.

Thanks for reading have a good one

Monday, January 12, 2009

The Story Of My Car Part 5

When I arrived in Ballina I was Quite alright my sickness was mostly gone what I had to do now was find the car make sure it was OK register it and take home.

Finding the car was not too difficult Andrew knew what we looked like as I had sent pictures of myself and my brother to him earlier in the week, a quick call later we were in front of the car and the pictures that I had seen on eBay did not do it justice it was gorgeous.

The thing that had impressed me the most was the picture on the hood it was so detailed like I could see the trees in the background, the moon was detailed, the clouds had different textures to make it look real, the howling wolf was so detailed that different colors of its fur and shadows were easy to see even the inside of the wolfs mouth was detailed. The other things that impressed me was the cars white interior which at that time I thought was leather( it actually was vinyl). The Subs the car had were bigger then anything I had ever seen and the rims, the gear knob, meter display that lit up blue and green, .... it was pretty awesome.

Though there was a lot that was good with the car there was also a lot wrong with the car at the time I only noticed the scratches, the damaged lights, torn seats and damaged body kit but there was more . All these things I was happy with as well because I did not just want a ready made car, I wanted a car that I could do some work on, something i could, could get my hands dirty with, learn things from and lucky ( or unlucky depending on your point of view) for me the cars problems would eventually turn out major dramas but I will talk more about that later.

With the car in front of me we went on to check and see if everything was good with the car. We had a check list that we went through and this checklist included things like lights, oil leaks, breaks, gears etc. Everything checked out we test drove the car to the R.T.A. in Ballina with me sitting at the back and my brother and Andrew sitting in the front ( seems like he did not have to go to work after all). Andrews brother followed us in a car beside us.At the RTA I filled out the relevant papers and the car was mine once this was done I gave Andrew his check and we parted ways.

Now it was time for us to drive the car home but first we had to straighten the damn seat. The seat on the passenger side of this car is damaged and its adjusting levers need to be pulled in a certain way to make it lock in place and Andrew neglected to mention how is this is done( there is actually quite a few things he neglected to mention) to us before he left so the two of us struggled with the seat for a while before we eventually did something to lock it in place and then we could start driving.

The first thing we did when we could start driving was turn on the GPS and find a place to eat and we found a McDonald's. Now I had been sick for a while and a couple of hours earlier I would not have considered putting anything solid in my mouth but I was felt like I could handle it now and thankfully I could because the meal did not come back up( it just went down :)... more later). We had also bought a couple of cakes as celebration of us getting the car however the cakes were pretty yuk so we only took a couple of bites and left em be.

Once we were done eating I called the NRMA to get my car insured and this was cool because the girl was taken aback by everything I told her about the car I told her we had:
  • Air brushing
  • Custom plates
  • 17 inch chrome rims
  • Sound system
  • Leather interior
  • None stock rear lights
  • Special LED light up display
  • Lowered with sports suspension
  • Body kit
  • Pod filter
And as we were telling the girl all these things about the car we were asking each other "what else does this car have" and we mentioned other minor things like the tints and the special gear knob. When I asked to have it insured one way she was really surprised because she figured I would wanna insured it fully and she was even more surprised when I valued the car at only 10 grand.

With the car insured it was finally time to start heading home and boy do I have some stories about our trip home you all are just going to have to wait and see what the rest of my adventures were.

Thanks for reading again.

Wednesday, January 7, 2009

I was on T.V.

Thats right I am a TV star.... mopping floors :)

I should write about how I got this gig I will do that in a later blog but for now try to find me in the ad I am in it for less the a second.


Thursday, January 1, 2009

The Story Of My Car Part 4

Now were did I leave this story ... ahh yes the plane trip. again I will say if things like vomiting make you uncomfortable then skip this blog. If you are not skipping this blog then lets talk about the plane trip.

I had stayed in the toilet a while and I had not eaten anything that day but the 15 minutes I was waiting to get into the plane all I could think about was finding a toilet so that I could throw up because the Gatorade I had taken wanted to come back up but thankfully I was able to distract myself long enough to get a seat on the plane and when I was seated I felt better then when I was walking. I distracted myself by trying to find more brown people that were going to be traveling with us turns out me and my brother were the only terrorizers on the plane there was a black dude but but he was not a terrorizer it was just us too.

There was a half hour extra were we sat on the plane because they were waiting for passengers that had not arrived yet and that was a bit stressful because Andrew had told me that he needed to get back to work as soon as he gave me the car and this extra delay was gonna seriously screw up our schedule I really did not wanna be anymore stressed. Anyway after the plane took off it was cool I distracted myself by talking to my brother about the air hostesses who happen to be really "fine" and by looking at the little GPS TV in front of us that showed the position and speed of the plane relative to were we were going the thing that was the most conversation was the fact that we were going 500km/h when while driving we only ever get to 100 as our max speed.

Just before we had to land the Gatorade had to come out I was sitting in between some dude and my brother throwing up onto a complete stranger was less acceptable then throwing up on my brother at least that was the thought I had when I took the seat I neglected to mention that to my brother. Not that i had to throw up on anyone because motion sickness was an expected thing on the a plane and we were given bags to throw up in. I did not throw up in the bag just because 30 seconds before I had to pass my insides out the one of the cute air hostesses passed by and I asked her if I could use the toilet and she said O.K. So I got up ran to the back of the plane with everyone looking at me but I did not care cause it would have been a lot more embarrassing and trouble if i threw up half way to the toilet or even funnier still if I threw up on someone. I got to the toilet and as soon as closed the door and turned around I threw up...... so close.

That was not the end of it you see in my haste I had thrown up into the little sink they had instead of the toilet. what I had passed out was quite interesting for like 2 seconds because what the stuff was just a red liquid which made sense because I drank red Gatorade but it was oily like thick oily now if I was some sort of doctor or tummy expert I would probably know what that was about but I'm not so I was pretty fascinated but anyway my fascination only lasted two seconds because the damn thing was not going down the sink. Luckily I had run to the toilet with the bag that they gave us for motion sickness and I used that to transfer the stuff from the sink to the toilet it was quit an inefficient system because this was just a paper bag.

As I was doing the cleanup the captain announced that we all needed to get back to our seats because the plane was going to be landing and someone outside was knocking at my door because they had to pee ... I only left after I had cleaned the place properly eventhough the girl knocking at the door was quite upset but i could not leave the mess for someone else to clean.

When the plane did land I was actually feeling pretty alright that last throw up had probably taken 90% of whatever it was my body was trying to get rid of and i would say on my sickness scale I was down to a 2 not that all my troubles were over we were in Bellina now but we still had to drive home and if you wanna know about the rest of our adventures you are just gonna have to wait for part 5.

Well you read through this yucky blog again so I am going to have to leave with a picture of another dude I have a man crush on:

How do I have a man crush on him you ask ... mate how can I not look at him his Hugh friggin Jackman the sexiest man alive and his wolvarine and his got massive guns and pecs and shoulders and...... beard :D
